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ekosfere’s Manifesto


ekosfere started out of frustration of having no access to truly sustainable, affordable everyday products. Not so long ago Irisa, our founder, was also a college student trying to save the planet while living in a shoe box apartment in NYC, doing hours of research to find the “best natural deodorant” out there- that was also affordable. Wanting to do something about the lack of accessibility of sustainable products to students, ekosfere was born. 

Who is ekosfere?

The ekosfere team is made out of students, nerds, and artists, united by a love of nature and doing something about climate change and pollution. We want you to focus on living your life without wondering if your everyday choices are adding to the climate crisis, thus we research and find the best products out there for you. We test and use each of the products we sell and although we create connections with various products and brands, our loyalties lie firstly with you, our eko tribe, and the planet. 

That means that we will not tolerate inadequate and harmful items just because we have previously used them or have a relationship with the company. We also don’t want you to buy our products if you don’t need them (wait what?!). See, we are not a retail store trying to make a quick buck. 

Then what’s the point?

Our mission is not to sell you things, our mission is to enable you to have less of an impact on Earth so the planet doesn’t erase us. 

Because of this, our team is always looking for your thoughts, opinions, likes, and dislikes of our products. We have a no-BS approach in our lives and work and we’re on a never-ending quest to find the best products out there to bring to you. Because of that, we don’t hide the product shortcomings and also always want you to let us know of similar, better products out there you’ve tried and want us to test and retail. 

Stand for something.

Our beliefs are a community-first approach, transparent marketing, and an emphasis on functionality over profit. We are so happy you are joining the eko tribe on this journey of living sustainably, let’s make it happen together!

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